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VIP Access to all works of the AtSea project

VIP Access to all works of the AtSea project

VIP Access to all works of the AtSea project

After payment, write to us on WhatsApp for faster access.

Total cost of all courses



  • USD
  • EUR
FOX v.2.4.0

VIP access payment is divided into 2 payments. After the payment of the first payment, an email will be sent to your email with a link to the payment of the second payment.

VIP Access
to all materials on the site and a 50 discount on all new materials%

Speaker and author of the course: Senior Mechanic, Technical Superintendent

Temnikov Alexandr Sergeevich


A ship Mechanic is a highly qualified specialist in his field, who is distinguished by the ability of an integrated approach to solving technical problems and troubleshooting. Knowledge of the design, operation and maintenance features of ship systems and mechanisms is a key factor in this process. Knowledge is our “Bread” dear Colleagues.

By opening VIP Access to all the works of the AtSea project, you open a huge “casket” of knowledge, which have been accumulated over the years when working on board ships of various types and deadweight by all members of our team. This is a great investment in your development, which will definitely bring results in the form of successfully completed interviews, confident work on board modern ships and rapid career growth in general.

Additionally, by opening VIP Dosput, you get a 50% discount on all newly released course packages of the AtSea project without time limits and the number of courses purchased.

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