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FOX v.2.4.0

Air Dryers on board

Speaker and author of the course: Senior Mechanic, Technical Superintendent

Temnikov Alexandr Sergeevich

Additional information:

Course Description

The designation of this course is to acquaint with construction peculiarities and specificity of maintenance and operation for modern air dryers, that are widely used on modern of modern vessels. During the lecture, we consider principles of work for refrigerant plant, that is the base for the Air Dryers Plant. Additionally, we speak in details about general failures, that can be occurred during its operation, as well as observation of Refrigerant Slider, that is used by Engineers to determine temperature of freon boiling in the evaporator, that is interrelated with Evaporation Pressure, as well as to determine temperature of freon condensation in receiver, that is interrelated with Discharge Pressure.

The course is supplemented by signals of emergency alarm system and duties of responsible engineer for troubles remedy. All information is based on accumulated experience of employment the modern Air Dryers, as well as operation this plant on board of modern vessels. Thus, course is worked out with using of modern drawings and schemes.

This course is issued for Engineers, who start their career on board of modern vessels, as well as for Engineers, who have worked on board, but have some gaps in knowledges, interconnected with air dryers.

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