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FOX v.2.4.0

Sewage Treatment Plant on board

Speaker and author of the course: Senior Mechanic, Technical Superintendent

Temnikov Alexandr Sergeevich

Additional information:

DESCRIPTION OF THE course package

            In this project AtSea team prepare observation of operation and maintenance for sewage treatment plant. The course includes installation scheme and drawing of the system, as well as thoroughly description of each element. Also, we speak about primary start of the unit, startup and charge by bacterias. It is given recommendations about keep the installation in working condition. It is observed most common troubles and failures, that can be faced on board. As distinct part of first course, AtSea team prepare list of questions, that can be faced by Watch Engineers, during the interview with Superintendent or representative of the company.

            Second part of the project «Sewage treatment plant on board» is directed on investigation the specificity of the construction and maintenance for the plant. This course is described thoroughly main elements of the installation: -Sewage collection tank – Vacuumator Pumps – Chemical dosing unit with pump and chemical tank – Sewage discharge pump – Sewage holding tank – Sewage discharge line – Methods of Chemical sterilization. After the investigation of this project, you will eliminate gaps in knowledges, interrelated with sewage treatment plant and be able to operate this installation on board safely and carefully. This course is issued for Engineers, who start their career on board of modern vessels and for student, cadets, motormen, who have prepared for operation this plant in future. All information is useful to know and easy to learn.

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