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FOX v.2.4.0

Provision Refregeration Plant Maintenance

Speaker and author of the course: Senior Mechanic, Technical Superintendent

Temnikov Alexandr Sergeevich

Additional information:

DESCRIPTION OF THE course package

In project «Provision refrigeration plant on board» AtSea team prepares a lot of information about detail description of maintenance of provision refrigeration plants on board of modern vessels. In the first course of this project is analyzed construction peculiarities and maintenance of this unit. We pay attention on physical processes, that are take place in provision refrigeration plants and we speak a lot about freon and aggregation state of it in condenser and evaporator. The next moments are thoroughly reflected: condensation pressure and temperature of cooling water in the condenser; Solenoid valve on the system of freon injection into evaporator, main function of it and principle of temperature adjustment in cameras; As segregate unit of this course we observe thermal expansion valve. It includes information about determination of evaporating pressure, boiling temperature by TEV, as well as superheating temperature. Also, it is included data about suction pressure and state of aggregation on suction side of ref. compressor, necessity of compressor crankcase heating and physical description for it. All project is supplied by videos from modern vessel, that is equipped by provision refrigeration plant as well as Author’s comments. This course will be interested for Engineers, who want to refresh their knowledges or to add some interesting information about construction peculiarities and maintenance of this unit. Watch Engineers, Second and Chief Engineers will find data, that give an opportunity to fill them more confident, when they face with the troubles and complex maintenance of provision refrigeration plants.

As a continuation of the first course, the second part of «Provision refrigerating plant on board» project is directed on maintenance of this units. Is it described next topics: Starting principle of compressor in accordance with regulation rules and output of the plant; Principle of inspection and regulation for deriving belts or clutches between compressor and electric motor; Change of lubricating oil in compressor, subdivided on the distinct steps, such as: oil drain, cleaning/replacement of the oil filter, inspection of magnetic plugs, vacuumizing of the compressor, filling of compressor crankcase by oil by with using of pump or by means of the vacuum creation. As well as, we add some units: Physical sense and principle of vacuuming of the plant before the filling it by freon; Analysis of futures for Freon 404A, R407C, what are most often faced in current provision plants; Principle of Filing  the system by freon, according to freon type. AtSea team prepare information about designation and causes of using for Liquid/Vapour Line. All information, that is included in this course is supplemented by videos from the board for better awareness process. This course will be interested for Engineers, who want to refresh their knowledges or to add some interesting information about construction peculiarities and maintenance of this unit. Watch Engineers, Second and Chief Engineers will find data, that give an opportunity to fill them more confident, when they face with the troubles and complex maintenance of provision refrigeration plants.

The third part of our project is dedicated on provision plant maintenance, it is observed vital questions, such as:

  1. How does collect freon in condenser?
  2. How does to fill the compressor by oil?
  3. How does to fill the system by freon?
  4. How does implement full change of oil in the ref plant compressor?
  5. How does execute primary replenish of system by freon after maintenance of the damaged tubes?
  6. General futures of repair procedure for pipes with using of gas welding on board.
  7. What type of electrodes are better to use for repair of copper tubes?
  8. Main peculiarities and detail description of practice steps, that are interrelated with duties of Ship’s Engineer, during the maintenance and repair of Provision Refrigerating Plant on board is also included in this course.

          If you want to find detail answers on mentioned questions, the third course of our project «Provision refrigerating Plants on board» will be interesting and useful for you.

In this course, we continue observation of refrigerating plant maintenance on board. We take into account practice steps and recommendations, for maintenance of this provision plants.

            Also, this course is useful addition for previous courses of our project, dedicated to modern provision plants on board.

            This course will be interesting for Engineers, who are starting to work in marine industry and for Seafarers, who have worked a long time at sea and strive to increase their knowledges and skills.

The designation of last course is directed to consolidate knowledges from previous courses and familiarize with 4-way ref manifold during the maintenance of provision refrigerating plant. At this course AtSea team prepares a lot of interesting information in accordance with standard duties of Engineer, that can be faced during the operation of modern provision plants and air condition systems. The next units are included:

  • Collecting of the freon into receiver
  • Vacuuming process (Sense and specificity of procedure)
  • Filling of the system by freon
  • Check for leak proofness of the system after filling

            Along with Author of this course, you will have opportunity to pass all steps, interrelated with using of 4-way manifold and filling of the system by freon on real example of modern provision plant. We prepare for you video review of system’s valve operation, employment of armature for manifold and balloon of freon, as well as operation of recovery unit is also included in this course.

            Correct operation with ref tools is vitally important for successful result of maintenance, that is why, we make thoroughly observation for working process of Recovery Unit, Ref Vac, Ref Hoses and 4-way Ref Manifold. 

            This course issued for Engineers, who begin their career, and for seafarers, who have different gaps in knowledges, interconnected with operation of provision refrigerating plant, and who want to increase their competence.

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