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English for Engineers From “0” to the work in the mixed crew

Speaker and author of the course: Senior Mechanic, Technical Superintendent

Temnikov Alexandr Sergeevich

Additional information:

Course Description

English language for Engineer  is an access in worthy International Marine Company with acceptable conditions and good payment for our hard work. This course is like life buoy for Engineer, who has aspiration to increase  his level of English and for Seafarer, who wants realise desire to work in mixed crew. This   issued and  based on joint efforts of qualified marine English teacher and skilled Chief Engineer/Technical Superintendent, who has  reached all stages in Marine Engineering.

Course №1 Grammar part – «Transcription», English for Engineer – «Ship’s construction».

            At the commencement of our education we start from transcription learning and familiarisation with  construction of the vessel. Course is constructed on Russian language with professional comments on English language.

            This course includes special knowledges for marine engineers, phrases and formulations, that are Vitally important for secure working in mixed crew.

Course №2 Grammar part – «Numerals», English for Engineer – «Types of the vessels and Tools».

            During this course we continue acquainting  with transcription and numerals  in English language, also we  investigate types of current vessels and tools, that are widely used in maintenance on board.

            Our project  «English for Marine Engineers»  consist of continuous repetition of sounds, words and formulations that are very useful and are necessary for working in foreign companies.

Course №3 Grammar part – «Pronouns», English for Engineer – «Working Day and Safety Precaution Rules».

            In this part of our project is reflected information about organisation of working day and  safe marks, that you can meet on the vessel.

            We take into account sequence of Engineer’s working day, influence of safety rules on board, also we repeat special tools that are necessary for Engineer during working on the vessel.

            Course is devised on Russian language with English comments and repetition of all word with it transcription. So, all this is necessary to make our project useful and easy for learning.

Course №4 Grammar part – «Possessive Case», English for Engineer – «Safety on Board».

            We proceed to learn Safety Precaution Rules and sequence of duties in case of emergency. In respect of English language grammar, we speak about important unit as Possessive Case, that are widely used during communication in mixed crew. This course includes special knowledges for marine engineers, phrases and formulations, that are vitally important for secure working in good company and grow too.

Course №5 Grammar part – «Present Indefinite Tense», English for Engineer – «Types of fire and extinguisher on board».                     
In this course we express, what is necessary to do in case of fire, also we discuss about fire announcement on board, and first duties of fire man and each crew member. As distinct unit is familiarization with fire extinguishers on board: their types and operation in case of fire.

Grammar part of this course is Present Simple learning.  Course is devised on Russian language with English comments and repetition of all word with its transcription. So, all this is necessary to make our project useful and easy for understanding.

            Course №6 Grammar part – «Repeat of Present Indefinite Tense», English for Engineer – «Fire extinguisher and fire hoses».

            This course contains all necessary knowledges for proper operation of fire extinguisher and fire hoses on board of the vessels. In respect of English grammar, we continue to learn Present Simple and practice of some exercises are carried out.

Course №7 Grammar part – «Present Indefinite», English for Engineer – «Compressing air breathing apparatus and equipment of fireman».

            The unit of fire on board is supplemented by information about CABA and fireman equipment. Also, we speak about Stationary fire system and proper activation and safe operation of it. This course includes special knowledges for marine engineers, phrases and formulations, that are vitally important for secure working in mixed crew.

Course №8 Grammar part – «Present Continuous Tense», English for Engineer – «Useful phrases and successful interview passage».

            What do you need for successful interview passage? All information in this course. We learn useful phrases and discuss some questions that you can face during examination in foreign companies. As for English grammar we start to teach Present Continuous Tense.

            Our project «English for Marine Engineers» consist of continuous repetition of sounds, words and formulations that are very useful and are necessary for working in foreign companies.

Course №9 Grammar part – «Present Continuous Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Diesel engine»

            In this course we speak about heat of each vessel – main engine. We discuss types of internal combustion diesel engines on board and main parts of it. Also, we continue investigation of Present Continuous Tense and implement practice exercises.

            This course is point of reference for Engineers, because we start learning diesel engines and part of it. This knowledges are necessary for each person, who wants to work in mixed crew.

Course №10 Grammar part – «Present Continuous Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Oil lubricating system, and 4-stroke diesel engines»

            What is blood system of each engine? You are absolutely right; this is lubricating oil system. In this course we speak about types of oil and main parts of oil system. In addition, we start familiarization with 4 stroke diesel engines.

            At conclusion of this course, we make some exercises and repeat Present Continuous Tense.

            This course includes special knowledges for marine engineers, phrases and formulations, that are Vitally important for secure working in good company and grow too.

Course №11 Grammar part – «Present Continuous Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Oil lubricating system, and Cooling system of the engine »

            This course issued for Engineers and we start to learn cooling system of the engines, also we repeat lubrication oil system. There are a lot of useful texts and information, what is designated for proper description of this systems. We withdraw hard to learn terminology, and we add all necessary to know units, that Engineers always employ on board.

            As for grammar part of this video we proceed to pass Present Continuous Tense and perform some exercises.

            This course is point of reference for Engineers, because we start learning diesel engines and part of it. These knowledges are necessary for each person, who wants to work in mixed crew.

Course №12 Grammar part – «Passive Voice», English for Engineer – «Cooling system of the engine, Sea water circuit, LT-circuit, HT-circuit »

            In this course we devise consistent sequence for description of Cooling system on the vessel. It includes Sea water circuit, High Temperature circuit, Low temperature circuit. Designation of each circuit are vitally to know and in numerous cases cooling system in needed in maintenance, so Engineer on board must know how to operate it.

            In English grammar part we start our familiarization with Passive Voice. We introduce this grammar part to increase your level of English and decrease grammar mistakes during interview or Marlin’s passage.

            Our project «English for Marine Engineers»  consist of continuous repetition of sounds, words and formulations that are very useful and are necessary for working in foreign companies.

Course №13 Grammar part – «Passive Voice repetition», English for Engineer – «Starting air system and working air on board»

            Presence of starting and pneumatic air system on board on modern vessels are necessarily. So, we discuss type of compressors, staring system and main parts of each.

            As for grammar we continue our acquaintance with passive voice. Some practice excises are carried out.

             We apply all our accumulated experience and merge this with English knowledges. It will be very interested and useful for you. Stay tuned.

Course №14 Grammar part – «Passive Voice practice», English for Engineer – «Scavenging air system»

            We continue our education and observe also important system of engine, as scavenging air system. Operation of diesel engine without air is impossible. Therefore, Engineer should understand all peculiarities, how is better for engine to breathe.

            As for English grammar we prepare some useful passive voice formulations, awareness of each will be a huge advantage for you.

            This course includes special knowledges for marine engineers, phrases and formulations, that are vitally important for secure working in good company and grow too.

Course №15 Grammar part – «Future Indefinite Tense», English for Engineer – «Exhaust gas system of engines»

            Significant piece of this course we devote to exhaust gas system of engines on board. You know, that all Engineers control temperatures and other parameters of engine during the watch. It is very important for safe operation. Exhaust gas system of 2-stroke and 4-stroke are different. By this reason we make good description of main parts and include life moments of maintenance for exhaust gas system.

            Rest part of this course is subdivided on repetition of Passive and familiarization with Future Indefinite Tense.

Course №16 Grammar part – «Future Indefinite Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Maneuvering system of 2-stroke and 4-stroke diesel engines»

            There are a lot of differences in maneuvering system of 2-stroke and 4-stroke main engines. Indication of each type and main parts of it are observed in this curse.

            We continue our familiarization with English language grammar and carry out some useful exercises related Future Indefinite Tense.

            This course is point of reference for Engineers, because we start learning diesel engines and part of it. This knowledges are necessary for each person, who wants to work in mixed crew.

Course №17 Grammar part – «Future Indefinite Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Steam system on board»

            What is steam system on board of modern vessel? Of course, types of vessels are different, consequently, steam systems are varied. In this course we include indication of auxiliaries’ boiler, Economizers, and importance of steam on board. Steam system is cause of headache of Watch Engineers. Familiarization with this system is supplemented by life stories and accumulated experience, useful formulation and words.

            Second part of this course is dedicated to Future Indefinite Tense practice. Question, Negative and Affirmative forms are observed.

            Our project «English for Marine Engineers» consist of continuous repetition of sounds, words and formulations that are very useful and are necessary for working in foreign companies.

Course №18 Grammar part – «Past Indefinite Tense», English for Engineer – «Standard Operation Procedures and Maintenance»

            Standard Operation Procedures and Maintenance of equipment on board. We express some technical moments that you can face during work in engine room. Along with book information we include life experience of maintenance.

            We start new unit in grammar part. This is Past Indefinite Tense. Consistent familiarization with grammar is supplied by useful words.

            Our project «English for Marine Engineers» consist of continuous repetition of sounds, words and formulations that are very useful and are necessary for working in foreign companies.

Course №19 Grammar part – «Past Indefinite Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Sail in rough weather, Wear of cylinder liners»

            What do you meet during sail in rough weather? Or, what you will do in case of excessive wear of cylinder liner? And, how to prevent this serious trouble? We prepare a lot of interesting information and supplement our course by experience from board.

            In grammar part we continue learn Past Indefinite Tense, we make some grammar exercises and employ special terminology, that are used on board.

            This course includes special knowledges for marine engineers, phrases and formulations, that are vitally important for secure working in good company and grow too.

Course №20 Grammar part – «Past Indefinite Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Troubleshooting. Turbine washing and causes of crankcase explosion»

            Troubleshooting is a bread for Engineers on board. We observe some serious troubles that can occurred on board. Also, we speak about turbine construction, types of washing (dry and wet cleaning of the turbine)

            Do you know, what is low explosion limit and why do we use oil mist detector on board. Interested information is prepared for you in this course.

            We finish our discussion about Past Indefinite Tense, and for conclusion we make some practice exercises, and make some comments.

            We apply all our accumulated experience and merge this with English knowledges. It will be very interested and useful for you. Stay tuned.

Course №21 Grammar part – «Past Continuous Tense», English for Engineer – «Piston disassembling, overhaul of stuffing box»

            Piston maintenance is usual process during special vessel survey. In this video we observe full processing of stuffing box overhaul: disassembling, maintenance and assembling of it. We learn new words and investigate all necessary information that can be faced in manuals. Special attention is dedicated to special tools that is needed during operation and maintenance.

            As for grammar we start new unit – Past continuous Tense. As final part of this project we make complex suggestion and make some exercises for repetition of past units.

            This course includes special knowledges for marine engineers, phrases and formulations, that are vitally important for secure working in good company and grow too.

Course №22 Grammar part – «Past Continuous Tense practice», English for Engineer – «Troubleshooting of diesel engine»

            How to recognize the deformation and trouble fast and properly? This video is final part of observation of all systems, maintenance and safety precaution rules during diesel engine’s operation. We prepare special tables of trouble and their troubleshooting. We repeat all names of diesel engine parts and add some interesting stories of personal practice.

            This course is last point for Engineers, because we finish learning about diesel engines and its parts.  We apply all our accumulated experience and merge this with English knowledges.  Course is devised on Russian language with English comments and repetition of all word with its transcription. So, all this is necessary to make our project useful and easy for learning.  Stay tuned with AtSea.

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