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FOX v.2.4.0

Технічний начальник

Speaker and author of the course: Technical Director

Темников Александр Сергеевич

Додаткова інформація:

Опис курсу

Course  “Technical Superintendent” is an experience that reached the big time (идиома о времени), this project  is explained in available form and have examples how to operate a real fleet. Technical department and Shipmanagement of the vessels is an extensive task which includes technical supervision, preparations for dry dock, supplies of the vessel by spare pats, organisation of audits from Inspectors and Classification Societies.

Superintendent  is «Head of the vessel» who  operates confident to him vessels effectively and safe. 

How does AtSea relate to Shipmanagement? This is proper question because the base of our education is  accumulated personal experience and stiffening  knowledges. All this was investigated and devised by our hands.

The team of AtSea is sufficiently operates  by fleet right now. In Shipmanagement of our company are located the vessels with 50000t  and  80000t deadweight. Crewmembers AtSea were carried out next procedures: purchasing of the vessels, changing of flag, name and class of the vessels. Right now our department work closely with representatives of RINA, ABS, Chinese Class, NK classification societies which are members of IACS. We are cooperate back to back  with representatives of Liberian Classification Society owing  is permitted  to make reflagation procedure softly and quickly. From our side  for last 5 month was accomplished 4 procedures of alteration  vessel’s  name,  changing of ownership  and reflagation, therefore  this vessels are  under our constant technical observation right now.

In respect of this course you will know next units:

  1. Registration of international marine company in worldwide area on example of UAE DZE (United Arab Emirates, Free Zone Establishment)
  2. Registration of Technical supervisor IMO number
  3. Registration of owner IMO number.
  4. Investigation of commercial and technical vessel attraction connected throw real reports IDWAL
  5. Preparation of required ship’s operation contract between Shipowner and Technical Managers based on real example SHIPMAN BIMCO 2009.
  6. Formulation of operational vessel budget in accordance with Drewry reports
  7. Calculation of the OPEX (Daily operational costs for the vessel)
  8. MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) inspection caused on real purchasing transaction.
  9. Exploration of MOA item for adjustment and minimization expenses of vessel’s supplies.
  10. Search of new shipowner representatives for transferring on vessel board 10-14 days before bargain
  11. Seek, Approval and Coaching of new shipowner’s  representatives
  12. Training for owner changing procedure
  13. Looking for VSAT( Very Small Aperture Terminal) provider. Preparation and signing of contracts. Analysis of real story owing real agreements with Hong Kong Star Energy, Navarino, CAN Marine VSAT providers.
  14. Preparation, decoration and sending into Classification Society request for alteration Ship’s name, Call sign and MMSI. Analytical work of real requests by Liberian Registry example.
  15. Preparation of vessel documentation interconnected with Vessel name, Flag and vessel’s owner.
  16. Creation of the SOPEP and signing of the approval documents from Flag side (Liberian Registry example)
  17. Working out of SSP (Ship security Plan) and signing of endorsement from Flag side (Liberian Registry example)
  18. Devising of BWMP of the vessel and acceptance from Flag side (Liberian Registry example)
  19. Development of Garbage management Plan and it validation from Flag side
  20. Searching and approval of Agent in port of purchasing. Formation of the query for fulfilment an agenting of the vessel. Analysis of cost and ways for optimisation agent expenses
  21. Looking for radio company that is carried out programming of vessel board radio equipment (GMDSS and VDR Reprogramming)
  22. Finding to the company that is executed underwater inspection. Negotiating, tusk formation for underwater inspection, discuss of the coast, discount and purchasing procedure. Analysis of additional works which can be required after owner changing
  23. Creation of the application and call for Classification Society representative for presence during underwater inspection.
  24. Search, preparation and generation crew members for new vessel.
  25. Making the contracts. Formation First and Second Parts of the contract. Agreement for budget of salary owing the vessel operation contract. Analysis of SHIPMAN 2009 relatively of real salaries based on real contract of the large capacity vessels.
  26. Analysis of key futures and flag documents request for vessel operation. Discussion of real story with Liberian Flag example (Liberian registry)
  27. Organisation of crew transfer in point of owner changing.
  28. Processing of fly details, getting LOG  (Letter of Guaranty) from receiving side. Agreement other formalities with aim of crew transfer on vessel’s board.
  29. Organisation of vessel transferring on board.
  30. Conversion of vessel owner rules.
  31. Consideration of the documents which are necessary for starting Reflagation procedure.
  32. Preparation and submit an application into Flag for approval main certificate
  • Provisional Certificate of registry
  • Temporary radio License Certificate
  • Minimum Safe Manning Certificate
  1. Preparation and an application for getting new Inmarsat C number.
  2. Key futures of radio company which are approved by Classification Society for programming of vessel’s radio equipment. Suggestion discussion, discounts and purchasing procedures.
  3. Guide researching of the crew during Reflagation procedure. Physical alteration of vessel name, call sign il all LSA(lifesaving equipment) communication equipment, change of  shipowner trade mark.
  4. Analysis of peculiarities for calling Classification Society representative on board and implementation such work by him: Hull and Machinery Survey + ISM, ISPS, MLC Audit.
  5. Consideration of the features for preparation to pass Hull and Machinery Survey (in scope of Annual)
  6. Looking off opportunity to order Flag documentation, papers that must be on board, Log books.
  7. Familiarisation with owner’s/technical manager’s personal account on Flag Stare Website.
  8. Observation of document list and preparation of the vessel to pass ISM, ISPS, MLC audit witch further reception Interim Certificates SMS, ISPS, MLC Compliance Certificates.
  9. Evaluation of efficiency GMDSS and VDR programming, sequence of procedures.
  10. Testing of radio equipment, SSAS, Emergency button activation. Survey of real Security Email. Notification of Classification Society about Emergency button activation explained by alarm@liscr.com Liberian Registry.
  11. Admission of confirmation from Flag authorities about SSAS (Ship Security Alert System serviceability.
  12. Possibilities to pass Hull and Machinery survey. Receiving of main Statutory Certificates.
  13. Guide of certificates full list regarding ABS Class example.
  14. Looking for all necessary flag certificates compatible Rina Class.
  15. Acquaintance with needful papers to Suez Channel passing. Suez Chanel Administration requirements and request of Suez Special Tonnage certificate.
  16. Overview Audit verification procedure.
  17. Requirement of crew member Flag documents  presence
  18. Getting off full documents set and report to ship owner about vessel first voyage readiness.
  19. Analysis of actual reserve of Fuel and Lub Oil on board for first voyage.
  20. Integrating of PMS (Planned Maintenance System). Character and specification.
  21. Set of indications and requirements to Superintendent in conclusion. Superintendent responsibility interview.

Sometimes,  question about working ashore can touch Chief Engineers, sometimes it can come to mind earlier, when you are Second or maybe Third or Forth  engineer. How does seafarer can growth ashore without starting from scratch? Answer is very simple – position of  Superintendent. A picture is worth 1000 words. Our course can thoroughly describe you, how to disembark ashore safely and make second step in your career and start ruling a fleet. Position of Superintendent is considerable step in your career that can give you knowledges how to realise your useful sea  experience and proceed to develop yourself in Marine Industry. Position is chosen. Origin of second question is vitally important. How does seafarer can work in position of Superintendent without experience?

            Accelerated answer will have been started since 25 of March. AtSea kindly asked everyone to join this programme.

            Always in touch to get you all necessary information in Messengers WhatsApp/Viber +79787847916

            With respect

            AtSea Team

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